Gasonics Aura 1000


Model: Gasonics Aura 1000 Asher  semiconductor process equipment

Condition and Warranty: We sell it at (1) AS IS; (2) Complete, Working, Functional test; (3) refurbished and upgraded with 6 months warranty.

Wafer Size: 6 inch configuration. Can be for 4, 5 if necessary.

Process Gasses:  O2 and N2

Valid TimeSubject to prior sale without notice. The Item is only for end user.

Lead Time: 12-20 weeks depending on PO time and conditions

Gasonics Aura 1000  plasma Asher  semiconductor equipment General Description for reference only

 The Gasonics Aura 1000 Plasma System is a microprocessor controlled down-stream, or “afterglow” photoresist stripper that will strip the front and backside of a wafer, typically in less than one minute.The Gasonics Aura 1000 is fully automated, cassette-to-cassette, and is a single-wafer process design.

The Gasonics Aura 1000 system consists of two separate but interconnected.vacuum ·chambers (reaction and stripping), ·a microwave plasma generator, automatic wafer loader/unloader, keypad panel/display, mass flow controllers (MFC’ s ), an infrared heat source, pneumatic and electronic control systems, ‘stainless steel gas plumbing, and incorporates several safety interlock features, as well as troubleshooting indicators . (LED’s) that illuminate to display the operating sequence and key component function signals.
The Gasonics Aura 1000 semiconductor process system is housed in one of three basic configurations:
1. A functional, convenient table-top cabinet;
2. Through-the-,wall; or
3. Stand-alone mounting table._
The Gasonics Aura 1000 Auia Stripper System generates a plasma of oxygen and/or other gasses in a reaction chamber. This concentrated reactive mixture then flows downstream, reaching a state of electrical neutrality, . and although highly reactive, it is no longer electrically damaging to the wafer. The mixture then enters the process chamber, where the dissociated oxygen· reacts-with the photoresist and oxidizes or  “burns” the photoresist from the wafer.
The main components of the Gasonics Aura 1000 Aura plasma reaction is atomic oxygen (normal  oxygen consists of two atoms, while atomic oxygen consists of only one atom). In addition, an infrared heat source is included for difficult or temperature sensitive processes.

A typical plasma wafer stripping process is as follows:
A. The wafer is loaded from a cassette into the process chamber, which is sealed and evacuated, and heat lamps are energized to elevate the wafer temperature.
B. Regulated process gasses are precisely released into the reaction chamber.
C. The microwave generator is enabled, creating the plasma in the reaction chamber and initiating the downstream stripping action in the process chamber.
D. When end-point detection is reached and overstrip is achieved, the microwave generator and process gasses are turned off to stop the stripping action, the process chamber is purged with N2 to ambient temperature, and the stripped wafer is removed from the chamber and placed in another cassette.

Gasonics Aura 1000 System Features

Single wafer processing
One-to-four process gas MFC’s
3″, 4″, 5″, and 6″ wafer capability
Throughput:  60 wph, depending on process parameters.
3 Configurations: Table-top, Through-the-Wall,or with a stand-alone mounting table.
Programmable microprocessor
Automatic wafer loader/unloader
Infrared heat source for process temperature control.
Downstream processing: No wafer radiation damage.
Soft-start vacuum system.
Quartz or Ceramic plasma chamber.
Equipped with hard-wired safety interlocks to prevent damage to the system or injury to either the
product or to personnel.
Front and backside resist removal
Automatic photo emission type end-point detection
In-line cassette-to-cassette.
Compact: 36″ X 32″X27″ (Table Top).

The item is subject to prior sale without notice. The Item is only for end user.

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