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InSb – Indium Antimonide

InSb – Indium Antimonide, Surface – P = Polished, E = Etched, C = AsCut, Ox = Oxide (on that layer). Please email us to check the availability etc.

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InSb – Indium Antimonide

Note:  Surface – P = Polished, E = Etched, C = AsCut, Ox = Oxide (on that surface)

Note: Please email us to check the availability , price and  lead time etc.

Item Material Orient. Diam Thck Surf. Resistivity Nc Mobil EPD Comment
(mm) (μm) Ωcm a/cm3 cm2/Vs /cm2
1 undoped InSb:- [100] 2″ 500 BROKEN n-type <2E14 <300 Broken wafer.
2 undoped InSb:- [100] 2″ 500 P/E n-type <2E14 US Flats; Epi Ready
3 undoped InSb:- [111B] ±0.5° 2″ 500 P/E n-type Nc=1E14/cc @ 77°K >50,000 @ 77°K <200 US Flats; Epi Ready
4 n-type InSb:Te [100] 2″ 450 BROKEN (2-3)E17 40,000 <1,500 US Flats


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